
TBF Tissue Engineering is a certified Tissue Bank.

Founded in 1992 with headquarters near Lyon (France), TBF provides a full range of bone substitutes to meet the clinical needs of surgeons specialized in oral implantology and maxillo-facial surgery.

The use of bone grafts of human origin, mineralized, cancellous/spongious, from living donors only, treated with a highly secure and proven process, provides an ideal solution for bone reconstruction.

PHOENIX bone allografts have a clinical retrospect of more than 150,000 implantations over more than 25 years. They offer the utmost guarantees of safety and efficiency.


The clinical results are shown in the following indications:

• Implantology / Periodontics :
    - Sinus lift, ridge augmentation/reconstruction.
    - Void-filling: periodontal socket, extraction socket, peri-implant site.

• Maxillo-facial Surgery - see alternative products on TBF Orthopaedic website



 Histology 5 months PHOENIX powder
Histological section performed on biopsy taken 5 months after implant on a sinus
PHOENIX Bone allograft

PHOENIX Process 20 Yrs

PHOENIX Process 20 Yrs

Orthopaedic range